The IoT Solution for monitoring your goods in real time

See Your Box is focused on goods

See Your Box is a tech-service platform that leverages IoT devices and sensors to collect, analyze and extract information across all steps of the supply chain.

With over 60 different services ranging from temperature control to real-time pattern recognition, SYB offers the ultimate one-stop solution to all customers in need to acquire detailed information on goods travelling, stored or used around the world.

An all inclusive data service

MADE FOR B2B Stability, quality and pricing

EXCEPTION-BASED Key events immediately communicated

REAL-TIME Smart data collected at all time

TURN KEY HW, SW and telco all in one package

SIMPLE “Click and go” approach

SECURE State of the art data protection

SMART Continuous reconfiguration of system according to analysis

Focus on intermodal logistics

Data Points


Churn rate (%)

Collecting relevant data

SMART Devices with internal complex mathematical algorithms to self adapt to intermodal logistic transportation.


Complex hardware solutions to guarantee long battery life (up to 80 days) even at -30C.

From all over the world

Global communication coverage over 2G.

Extra communication protocols available on request

Worldwide roaming charges included

A Software as a Service Web platform open to be easily integrated with corporate systems

Over 130 APIs to choose from.

Applying artificial intelligence

Physical sensor

Virtual sensors

Algorithms based sensors

Artificial intelligence to transform information into smart data

Pattern recognition